Wednesday, July 24, 2013

To update what we've been doing:
Some Kittens is still fighting comcast to actually install the internet he was supposed to get from them a long time ago.
Fried has been making awesome music and concept art for impforest.
I have been turning said concept art into 3d for impforest.
Our new member, AssortedTrailmix, is a unity coder and is currently developing THWAP.

Impforest is going to be on the pre-development shelf for awhile, there's a ton we need to make, do, and think about before we start putting it together. It's gonna be a big game.

Monday, July 8, 2013

frusration-style learning

So I've started learning unity, both to speed up the process of THWAP (the art assets are pretty much complete) and to gain new understanding that'll help even on the art side of projects.

The learning process has been frustration-style. Trying, failing, looking looking looking, trying and failing again, until i get something right. There's all these little things in unity that you just have to know, and I haven't found a good source for all of those little things explained at once in a good way. For instance, in order to actually play the animations you imported, you have to change the animation style from default. This is because of the new way unity animates things, the default doesn't actually play imported animations as far as I can tell. (I'm happy animating in blender).

I also managed to crash Unity, the engine itself, with a dumb while loop. And the whole time I was trying to fix it, I thought the bone scaling in the animation was crashing it. Or the mousedown. Or maybe because the .blend file was 666 kb. Who knew, it was the dumb while loop with no end!

And just for fun, here's mob1, terrified and leaning backwards on the floor because i haven't restricted the axis of the lookat yet:

Friday, July 5, 2013

Welcome to Fuzzy - Teh_Bucket

Hi, I'm Teh_Bucket, the artsy half of Fuzzy Games. My brother and I have finally started to work towards our dream of creating video games, starting with TWHAP. A few years ago I finally began learning to use Blender with the help of countless tutorials and helpful IRC'ers. Since then I've been doing all kinds of independent study, including the failed game project Wule, a conversion mod I tried to do all on my own. Other one-man projects are on my youtube channel.

In Fuzzy Games, I hope to create much better things by focusing on what I do well and leaving others up to the rest. Instead of throwing together a glitchy mess like Wule, I will be working with SomeKittens, the code side of the team to create games altogether better. We are also working with other artists to do small jobs such as concept art to improve the overall quality of the art I'll be making.

THWAP is a project we started because our original idea for a game was way too large to work with. A minimalistic fast-paced fps with a specific set of renewable weapons, THWAP will be a free-to-play game that will hopefully get our name and reputation out. I decided to go simple with the graphics. Characters are largely geometric, with simple, mostly IK controlled rigs, and are entirely shadeless. Screenshots can be found here, and just for fun, here's me screwing around while procrastinating animation :P